Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Purchases, yipee!

Now that the morning sickness has passed, I actually feel like doing stuff again. Cooking, flower stuff, brushing my hair, that kind of thing. Also SEWING!

I ordered a bunch of Amy Butler fat quarters (that's what the size is called...weird) which arrived yesterday. OMIGOSH the colours are amazing.

I think I'll make a patchwork throw thing with them, but I'm procrastinating about starting as there's a good chance I will stuff it up. Must plan carefully, draw up a proper pattern etc. before I go cutting things up willy-nilly.

My other exciting online purchase was these Marc by Marc Jacobs earrings, which I discovered on Oh Joy! They are tiny fricking deer studs, a necessary acquisition in my books.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Lockie hearts sweet peas

I busted Lockie admiring my sweet peas this morning, and so, being stuck at home waiting for The Telstra Man to come and fix all our internet woes, decided to make a little wreath for his head (Lockie, not The Telstra Man).

He really liked it. I was worried that wearing such an accessory might compromise the little guy's masculinity, but he doesn't even lift his leg to pee so I don't think it's a big deal.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Oh, hello.

I woke up thinking about peonies this morning. They are so lovely.

It has been over a month since my last post - very bad. To all my adoring fans (Dad?), I apologise.

I have not been taking pictures. I have not really been interested in very much.

And this is why.


The first trimester has not been a joy, its main features having been unrelenting nausea, crippling exhaustion and spews that just sneak up without warning (tmi?). I will be 14 weeks on Friday so hopefully it is NEARLY OVER.

I promise this will not become a Baby Blog. But I thought I should explain my absence.